On the opposite sex …

Some interesting paraphrased quotes on the opposite sex from Chinese films.

“Men will treat you well because you have value. As that value diminishes, you’ll see they’ll stop.” -paraphrased from The Enchanting Phantom

“Women all know how to trick people (men). The prettier they are, the better they are at it.” -paraphrased from Heavenly Sword, Dragon Saber.

张馨予 Zhang Xinyu (Viann) as 康敏 Kang Min in The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils 天龙八部. I normally root for the bad guys in the movies, but in this drama, this woman is pure evil, but so gorgeous. I get so excited to see her on screen, but I’m afraid to see what she does to people!
True! At least there’s no way I can!