"not enough licenses" from VC is deceiving

error: “not enough licenses” 2. The vpxa log file seemed to point to a vmID192 having problems with accessing datastore. [2007-06-21 16:19:25.485 ‘App’ 84306864 warning] ============BEGIN FAILED METHOD CALL DUMP============
[2007-06-21 16:19:25.485 ‘App’ 84306864 warning] Invoking [GetConfig] on [vim.VirtualMachine:192]
[2007-06-21 16:19:25.485 ‘App’ 84306864 warning] Fault has an empty message
[2007-06-21 16:19:25.485 ‘App’ 84306864 warning] ============END FAILED METHOD CALL DUMP============
[2007-06-21 16:19:25.485 ‘App’ 84306864 error] [vm.GetConfig] Received exception in GetConfig: vmodl.fault.SystemError
[2007-06-21 16:19:28.803 ‘App’ 84306864 error] [VpxaVmprovUtil] Unable to lookup datastore EVA4000_VI3_VMFS6
[2007-06-21 16:19:28.803 ‘App’ 84306864 error] [vm.GetConfig] Received exception in GetConfigSnapshot: vim.fault.InvalidDatastorePath
[2007-06-21 16:19:28.950 ‘App’ 84306864 error] GetResult failed: not well-formed (invalid token)
[2007-06-21 16:19:28.950 ‘App’ 84306864 warning] 3. Looked at the vmInventory.xml file to find which VM that vmID belonged to. 4. Looked at the vmx file of this VM. One of the parameters SMBIOS.reflecthost had garbled information. Changed SMBIOS.reflecthost=TRUE 5. In order for the VM to take this value we did vmware-cmd Vmname setconfig SMBIOS.reflecthost=TURE. 6. Now we could add the host back into the VC server.]]>

quick way of setting up NTP on your ESX host.

You can just copy/paste the following lines:

esxcfg-firewall -e ntpClient

echo “server clock.redhat.com” >> /etc/ntp.conf

echo “clock.redhat.com” > /etc/ntp/step-tickers

/etc/init.d/ntpd restart

chkconfig ntpd on

Just replace clock.redhat.com with your NTP server. If you want more than one time server, just echo the lines more. Use >> for the step-tickers line to append rather than overwrite.

reset root password in mysql

DBS” wrote:

> I have a problem, It’s been months since I used MySQL and (I believe) I had

> set it up with a root password. Now I can’t log on to MySQL as root MySQL

> user and create a new user or manage an existing user (I can log onto server

Familiar situation. :)

Do so:

service mysql stop

wait until MySQL shuts down. Then run

mysqld_safe –skip-grant-tables &

then you will be able to login as root with no password.

mysql -uroot mysql

In MySQL command line prompt issue the following command:

UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD(“abcd”) WHERE user=”root”;


At this time your root password is reset to “abcd” and MySQL will now

know the privileges and you’ll be able to login with your new password:

mysql -uroot -pabcd mysql