Solaris pkg upgrade fails with “maximum number of instances of the package which may be supported at one time on the same system has already been met” message

This message is pretty awesome, isn’t it? You can get this message when trying to upgrade a package. At least that’s what happened to me.

username# pkgadd -d .

The following packages are available:

  1  pkgname          pkgname

                          (sparc) version.sol5.sparc

Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: 1

Processing package instance <pkgname> from </tmp/ven/solaris>

pkgname(sparc) version.sol5.sparc Illumio

Current administration requires that a unique instance of the <pkgname> package be created.  However, the maximum number of instances of the package which may be supported at one time on the same system has already been met.

 No changes were made to the system.

This issue is pretty easy to get around. You just need point your admin file that has the right options. In my case, my admin file needed the instance=overwrite:

Require that our dependencies are met when installing.
However, if someone tries to uninstall us but another package depends on us,
we should just warn them & ask if they want to proceed anyway.

If you’re using instance=ask, it works also. It’ll just ask you before overwriting.

Fooling around with pkgadd (Solaris packages)

I basically had a Solaris SVR4 package that I needed to install. I didn’t care if the package worked or not after it installed. This is what happened when it first failed.

pkgadd: ERROR: checkinstall script did not complete successfully

The installer said that I was missing a package, so I went into the pkgname/install/checkinstall script and just commented those lines out. After doing that, this happened.

root@alton-solaris:/tmp# pkgadd -d .
The following packages are available:
1 pkgname pkgname
(i386) version
Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]:
Processing package instance from
pkgname(i386) version
Executing checkinstall script.
OS Release = 11.4
Processing package information.
Processing system information.
pkgadd: ERROR: packaging file is corrupt
file cksum <26912> expected <26914> actual
Installation of failed (internal error).
No changes were made to the system.

Obviously, there’s some sort of check for integrity of the file. To get around that, I went in and edited the pkgname/pkgmap file to make the changes from 26912 to 26914.

After doing this, the package magically installed. Fun!