What!? Why would you want to do that!? A friend of mine recently brought a computer to me for him to install some old software on. This happened to be some custom software that was written and required .NET 2.0. I tried installing the software and it wouldn’t install because it .NET 2.0 was required and if you go to Microsoft’s website, it looks like the only version you could get is .NET 4.8 and it already came with the OS that his laptop came with! What gives!?
I managed to find this command only that allowed me to continue the install:
DISM /Online /NoRestart /Enable-Feature:NetFx3
Turns out there are tons of YouTube videos and other posts about how to install it. I just didn’t think to look. You could actually just go to the control panel and install it from there as well.

Anyway, hope this post can save you some time!