How to find and online all of your SteelFusion Core LUNs on a NetApp filer

Recently, I offlined a bunch of LUNs that had belonged to a SteelFusion Core in the lab that I had forgotten about. Needless to say, I had some unhappy users. The good news though is that I was able to get the LUNs back up and connected to the Core within minutes. This is how I did it.

The first thing I needed to do was find out which LUNs the Core was using. I did this by logging into the Core via SSH and running the following commands:

conf t
terminal length 0
show storage luns iscsi

I output this to a file /tmp/core30luns.txt. An entry looks like this:

Total LUNs: 9
Locally Assigned Serial: P3PdB/-GFigd
Configuration status : Ready
Alias : avamar_restore
LUN Size : 150.00 GB
LUN Type : iscsi
Online : yes
IOPs acceleration : Enabled
Failover Enabled : yes
Prefetch : Enabled
Edge mapping : pod3-3100b
Target mapping :
Origin portal :,
Origin target :
Backend session status : Connected
Use iSCSI Reservation : Yes
LUN Edge data session : Connected
Client type : other
Original LUN vendor : NetApp
Original LUN serial : P3PdB/-GFigd
Pinned : no
Prepop : Disabled
Smart prepop : Enabled
Prepop status : N/A
MPIO policy : roundrobin
iSCSI Reservation status : LUN reserved

Prepop schedules:
Mapped igroups:

Mapped initiators:

The next thing was to find out what LUNs are on the NetApp to do some matching. You can do that by running this command:

lun show -v

I output this to a file /tmp/netapp_luns.txt. An entry looks like this:

/vol/NewYork_rvbd_d_e7cc5c29_f400_4c52_b1d4_f87da1b62652_1451278801/lun_RDM 10g (10737418240) (r/w, offline)
Serial#: P3PdB/9ytT31
Share: none
Space Reservation: disabled
Multiprotocol Type: vmware

Now with the 2 files, I could do some matching. I first want to extract the serial numbers from the LUNs. I do this by running:

grep serial /tmp/core30luns.txt | cut -f2 -d: > /tmp/core30lunlist.txt 

From that, I would just get a list of serial numbers like this:


Next, I will loop through my list of LUNs to find the volumes I will need to put back online. I do this by running:

for i in `cat /tmp/core30lunlist.txt`; do grep -2 $i /tmp/netapp_luns.txt >> /tmp/netappvolumes.txt; done

This would give me a list like this:

/vol/NewYork_rvbd_d_8f3a7b69_05f7_4be8_b3a6_14a689c2b3b0_1452834001/lunC11 60.0g (64445480960) (r/w, offline)
Comment: “Cdrive”
Serial#: P3PdB/-KWreM
Share: none
Space Reservation: disabled

With that list, I can cut the volumes out with the following command:

grep -v : /tmp/netappvolumes.txt | cut -f1 -d' ' > /tmp/volumes.txt

This would give me a list like this:


Now that I have a list of volume names from the NetApp, I can just put them all online with a loop:

for i in `cat /tmp/volumes.txt`; do echo "lun online" $i >> /tmp/online_vols.txt ; done

You can just take the /tmp/online_vols.txt file now and just paste it into your NetApp SSH session and you’ll have all of your LUNs online again.


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