Bind 9 DNS logging of just queries

Recently, set up logging on the DNS server so I can see which hosts clients are resolving. Pretty cool. i commented out a bunch of stuff that I didn’t need.

This is the stuff that goes into the named.conf file or in my case for Ubuntu 6, /etc/bind/named.conf.options

logging {
// category “default” { “debug”; };
// category “general” { “debug”; };
// category “database” { “debug”; };
// category “security” { “debug”; };
// category “config” { “debug”; };
// category “resolver” { “debug”; };
// category “xfer-in” { “debug”; };
// category “xfer-out” { “debug”; };
// category “notify” { “debug”; };
// category “client” { “debug”; };
// category “unmatched” { “debug”; };
// category “network” { “debug”; };
// category “update” { “debug”; };
category “queries” { “debug”; };
// category “dispatch” { “debug”; };
// category “dnssec” { “debug”; };
// category “lame-servers” { “debug”; };
channel “debug” {
file “/tmp/nameddbg” versions 2 size 50m;
print-time yes;
print-category yes;


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